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About Us

Don’t let your body keep you from doing the things you love.

Physical pain or limited mobility can keep you from fully participating in your daily life. Whether it’s taking a walk in the park, playing with your kids or grandkids, or reaching your personal fitness goals, we know you want to get back to living like you used to—or better.

You deserve the best possible care to help you get back to being the best possible you. But knowing where to turn or who to trust to help you find a lasting solution can be confusing.

Our team uses the latest research and technology to consistently deliver the best possible outcomes, starting with a personalized treatment plan just for you. We’ll walk alongside you every step of the way, helping you successfully establish and reach your physical goals.

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With Baton Rouge Physical Therapy, you can:

  • Save Money: Not only does personalized treatment mean relieving limitations and improving mobility, but it could also help you avoid thousands of dollars worth of expensive medication and unnecessary surgery.
  • Gain peace of mind: Physical rehab can be a long journey, so in addition to an unmatched level of care and support, your BRPT team is here to answer all of your questions and ensure you’re comfortable with every part of the process.
  • Get back to the life you love: Depending on your unique situation, we try to have you back to your full physical mobility within weeks, so you can get back to the activities you love and the life you miss.

When we fully understand where you are, we can help you get to where you want to be.

That’s why we provide a holistic evaluation to uncover the root cause of your pain or mobility issues and help you set real goals you can reach—so you know what you’re working toward.

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Feel like part of the family, not just another patient.

We believe the best care comes from people who treat you like family, not just another patient. That’s why we want to hear your story and get to know you personally, so you can know that you are valued and cared for throughout your journey.

You need an environment where you feel safe, comfortable, and listened to. And that’s Baton Rouge PT. Our team helps you thrive because we all believe the same thing:

You deserve fast, reliable access to high-quality care to move past your pain or mobility issues and get back to the activities you love. To do that, you need a team that understands your needs and can craft a clear plan that’s proven to work.

Here’s how we do it:

  • No waiting: Waiting around forever for treatment is frustrating, which is why we offer a free screen over the phone and do our best to get you into the office as soon as possible, so you can start working towards a healthier future.
  • Personalized treatment: A treatment plan is created specifically for you based on your unique needs, goals, and limitations. Plus, we’ll answer all of your questions so you’re never left in the dark when it comes to your care.
  • A holistic approach: We begin with getting to the root of the issue behind your pain or limitations, so we can ensure that we’re doing everything in our power to find the right solution for long-term relief.
  • Ongoing support: Your progress is tracked at each visit as you work with our team of physical or occupational therapists. When you have questions or concerns, they’re addressed immediately and with care.

Get expert care from a team of specialists.

BRPT offers you wide-ranging treatment for several issues, including:

  • Orthopedic Therapy
  • Trigger Point Dry Needling
  • Manual Therapy
  • Chronic Pain
  • And more!
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